
Jill London finds freedom in her abstract artwork, and youre invited to join her.

Jill London’s life is dedicated to the creation of inspirational abstract artworks.  Viewers respond to the beauty and energy they see in her work.

“If my art is true, it’s going to be alive way after I am…  Energy is a big part of this: mark-making is an expression of energy”

She works deliberately, considering how each color, form and gesture will serve the piece.  She is seeding the creation of immersive spaces for contemplation and growth.

“Abstract space is pretty amazing.  What I try and give in the work is this sense of big space….  To be able to have a picture plane where you can have some freedom of thought is mesmerizing to me.”

She provokes her viewers to think, but doesn’t want to tell them what to think.  Her reverence for freedom comes from her awareness of its rarity.

 “I believe in free thinking, and I want people to look at the work and to have an open thought…  My work is really about freedom of thought.”

Jill’s daily rituals support a practice of love, gratitude and conscience, and these rituals inform her creative process.  She lives in harmony with nature, employs meditation, prayer, Taiji and Qigong to bring focus and discipline to her work.  She carefully prepares her materials from historic and elemental sources, mixing her own paints and inks.  Jill employs gold leaf, silver leaf and other noble alloys to amplify and reflect light and to facilitate the interplay between positive and negative space.

Jill is represented on the East Coast by Barbara Pisch at Patriae Studio; in the South, by Claudia Geoly of ByCloudia, Austin; and in the West by Dennis Calabi of Calabi Gallery, Healdsburg, CA.  Her works are in the permanent collection of PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Museum of Archaeology, Cuenca, Spain and in private collections around the world.  She has had many one-person shows in the US and Spain, and has contributed to over fifty group exhibitions in the US, Spain, Finland and Qatar.

“If I can bring some sense of beauty into this world that, right now, is feeling pretty tragic and pretty scary, I’ll keep trying to do that”